Static Electricity Build-up and Discharge in your turbine powered model. The effect of static electricity build-up and discharge is a problem associated with large capacity fuel systems in low humidity conditions. The electro-static charge is caused by the relative motion of two non-conductive materials such as fuel flowing through tubing, or fuel sloshing in an epoxy/Kevlar or plastic tank. The charge accumulation is greatly enabled by the lack of moisture in the air. The large fuel tanks and more powerful fuel pumping systems can accumulate 20,000+ volts. The discharge event can, and has on occasions, disabled the engine E.C.U. and even the R/C receiver. BVM's first confirmed experience with this phenomena was with the prototype Ultra Bandit on an unusually dry day in October '05. The discharge occurred as the wheels left the ground. We had to repair the model. Since low humidity is a rarity in Florida, it took us awhile to identify the problem and address the solution. The simple solution is this fuel additive. Just add 2 cap full's per 5 gal. mix of Jet A, Kerosene, or Diesel fuel.
$13.95Fuel Fill Valve set is a "Twist-Locking" system to fuel your aircraft. The valve spring seals when not being filled. The fuel cap adds additional protection from dirt and debris. Complete set includes - 1 Fueler Check Valve, 1 Fuel Probe, and 1 Fuel Cap
$28.99BVM Fuel Probe attaches to your fuel pump. This "Twist-Locks" into the fuel fill valve while fueling to create a leak proof seal.
For more information CLICK HERE:
*BVM recommends removing pump battery BEFORE charging.
$259.00For more information CLICK HERE:
*BVM recommends removing pump battery BEFORE charging.
For more information CLICK HERE:
*BVM recommends removing pump battery BEFORE charging.
$259.00BVM Go Fly Overflow Tank Used with any aircraft that uses the BVM Flush Mount Fitting
$47.95This 3D printed Pitot Tube Mount can be used with a JetCat (or similar) Air Speed Sensors. Mount the airfoiled end to the fuselage such that the Pitot Tube is pointed to the front end of the model and close to parallel to the longitudinal axis. For accuracy, it is necessary that the Pitot Tube is at least 1/2" away from fuselage skin to not be affected by boundary layer flow. The plywood plate and screws allow attaching it to the fuselage skin. The fairing can be primed and painted to suit your needs.
$31.95Ceramic heat blanket is used to protect your model from excessive heat and is ideal for use in engine bays and near tailpipes. Package includes (1) 12"x24" sheet of Ceramic Heat Blanket.
$14.95Use For All Mechanical Mating Parts Metal To Metal - Metal To Plastic Its light viscosity allows it to penetrate quickly and lubricate from within. Its formulation of high quality waxes and PTFE promote friction free operation. Its liquid carrier evaporates and leaves the friction relieving chemistry. It guards against rust and corrosion and it does not attract dirt. Especially good for electronically driven retractable landing gear and mechanical moving parts of pneumatic gear. CAUTON: DO NOT apply to pneumatic cylinders.
$5.50BVM Aluminum Plugs fit our 6mm OD (4mm ID, 5/32") Line. These can be used for Smoke or Fuel Lines. The Aluminum Plug is used after fueling your aircraft. Now available in Purple and Silver to easily identify if it is a fuel or smoke line. Includes: 2 Silver Plugs
$4.99Fuel System Flush Mount Fittings
A complete set
Includes: 2 Flush Mount Vent Fitting, 1 Flush Mount Vent Probe, and 1 Flush Mount Plug with red ribbon.
$39.95Remove Before Flight. Handling your Kerosene powered model is a lot less messy if you plug off the fuel system overflow vent. You prevent the stinky spills in your vehicle and workshop. But, if you take-off with the vent still plugged, your engine will starve for fuel and flame out, usually one or two minutes into the flight. Unfortunately, this has happened to two customers recently. BVM's "Remove Before Flight" Vent Plug solves the problem. It would be hard to taxi out and not see the Red Flag dragging on the ground.
$11.99Heat Shield + brush-on ceramic coating High Temperature exhaust gases from both turbine and piston engines are sometimes unavoidably close to parts of the airframe. Tailpipes and mufflers contain the flame but the convective heat can be too much for the surrounding balsa, plastic, or fiberglass structures. Three brushed on coats of this water based, ceramic material, "Heat Shield" will protect those exposed parts of your model. Simply treat the inside of the engine cowl (piston engines) or the inside of the aft fuselage (turbine) and the surface temperature of the model will remain cool. In the unusual case of a turbine tailpipe fire on start up, you will have several seconds longer to extinguish it before any damage to the model occurs. Heat Shield comes in an 8 oz. can and is easily applied with a brush, clean up with soapy water. For extra protection the thickness can be built up with additional layers of fiberglass cloth and Heat Shield. Experimenters can purchase this product and do their own testing if the above information is insufficient.
$18.25KingTech V3 Turbine Oil 1 gallon Fully Synthetic with Recycled Petroleum
NOTE: This item can be shipped ONLY in the USA via Ground service due to the weight and size. Orders WILL NOT be processed for International shipments.
KingTech V3 Turbine Oil 2 gallons Fully Synthetic with Recycled Petroleum
FREE Shipping: Customers ordering 2 Gallons, will receive free shipping within the Continental United States. Placing other items in the cart with the oil for free shipping, voids the privilege of free shipping. It is suggested to place two separate orders if needing parts or accessories.
NOTE: This item can be shipped ONLY in the USA via Ground service due to the weight and size. Orders WILL NOT be processed for International shipments.
$115.00The BVM Pump Mount can be used to secure most standard turbine fuel pumps or smoke pumps. The plastic mounts are adhesive backed. Additional screws may be used to secure the mount to the surface. Two 8" zip ties are included. Two mounts per package.
$5.95BVM Aluminum Plugs fit our 6mm OD (4mm ID, 5/32") Line. These can be used for Smoke or Fuel Lines. The Aluminum Plug is used after fueling your aircraft. Now available in Purple and Silver to easily identify if it is a fuel or smoke line. Includes: 2 Purple Plugs
$6.99Ultimate Air Trap Mount There are multiple ways to mount the Ultimate Air Trap in a turbine powered model. Whatever method you choose, it is important to be able to observe the fuel/air action in the U.A.T. during throttle-up test. Easy removal of the U.A.T. is important to check for security of the cap, fittings (twice a year), and any possible contamination. (Very rare if the fuel is filtered). This mounting kit provides all of these requirements and will allow the U.A.T. to be set at the most advantageous angle (slightly nose up). The mount can be glued or screwed to the fuselage structure.
$14.95We have flown it extensively in every BVM factory demo jet and have tried every possible maneuver and unusual attitude combined with every possible throttle position - you just can't make it quit! All BVM fuel cell packages (for BVM jets) now come standard with a U.A.T. The mystery material, duck bill shaped sack inside will deliver a solid stream of fuel (no bubbles) to the fuel pump even if the 4oz bottle should get 3/4th's full of air, which is very unlikely. This is a very high quality product for those turbine pilots who want to eliminate the possibility of an air bubble causing a flame out. The U.A.T. is placed in series between the last fuel tank and the fuel pump. The system is filled through the 3rd line in the U.A.T. The rectangular shaped tank can be mounted vertically or horizontally and produce the same results making it convenient to fit into just about any model and it will work with any model size turbine engine.
$74.95Aluminum Cap Fittings fits Sullivan and Dubro tanks.
Here is a fuel tank cap system that will not flex and deteriorate with time. The machined aluminum cap and threaded disc capture the standard rubber stopper and squeeze it securely with a 4-40 socket head machine screw. Results are a leak proof cap, even when pressure is applied to the fuel system.
The 5/32 diameter soft brass tubing allows freer flow of the fuel as required by some of today's larger engines. BVM uses this system on their ducted fan installations as well as for turbine fuel systems. Other specialty enthusiasts will surely want this fuel system improvement as well. Each cap system contains one rubber stopper for use with petroleum liquids, adaptable to Sullivan or Du-bro tanks.
$17.95Save your fingers! This new modeling tool makes rigging control systems easier, faster, less frustrating, and saves wear and tear on your fingers. Access into hard-to-reach areas are now much easier and you don't need a screw drivers that can slip and puncture the the adjacent surface.
For all #2-56 and #4-40 Metal Clevises
Replacement Fork Tips are available! Yes, if you accidently drop the pliers on a hard floor, the tips may break.
Heavy Clunks for Turbine Fuel Tanks These heavy fuel pick up "Clunks" will improve the function of your jet fuel tanks. They are 2 1/2 times the weight of the standard parts, yet still fit through the neck of the BVM Kevlar Fuel Tank hardware.
$4.75Designed to be used with turbine powered models, this product from BVM protects from spilling fuel on the ground during the filling procedure and also to supply extra fuel for start-up.
The two large Buna O-Rings keep the tank from slipping off of your wing and protects from scratching its shiny surface.
These are very popular items at jet events so you may want to personalize yours for easy identification.
$37.95Safety Wire - for fuel and airline connections. This aircraft grade stainless steel safety wire has been tested by BVM and packaged for convenient shop and in-the-field use. .020 SS WIRE